NI4OS-Europe webinars in March

March was dedicated to demonstrating the tools and their new features developed within the NI4OS-Europe project. Participants, groups/individuals from Universities, Research Infrastructures, and Research services, were informed about Open Science …

NI4OS-Europe webinars in March

OpenAIRE in Greece and Cyprus continue to inform the research and academic community on important aspects related to Open Science, this time through a series of webinars run in collaboration …

NOSCI promotion event in Montenegro

The memorandum of cooperation within the national initiative of open science clouds in Montenegro was signed by nine Montenegrin higher education and scientific research institutions, whose representatives met for the …

3rd National Open Science Forum was held in Hungary

The third Open Science Forum in Hungary was held on January 19, 2022. The online event was organized by two NI4OS-Europe member organizations, Governmental Agency for IT Development (KIFÜ) and the University of Debrecen (DE).   About the event  In Hungary, similar to other countries, more and more attention is being  surrounded to open research and …