153 people registered for the event, including funders, service providers, IT specialists, teachers, librarians, and researchers from all science and education spheres. The event was live-streamed online with up to 260 simultaneous viewers.
Slovenian project partners, the University of Maribor Library and Arnes, organized the 2nd Slovenian NI4OS-Europe dissemination event on 24th November 2021. The event was organized in collocation with the Arnes conference Mreža znanja 2021 (Network of Knowledge 2021), an annual conference dedicated to informatics and computer science in the fields of education, research, and culture, which covers systemic aspects of the use of new technologies as well as presentations of good practices.
The NI4OS-Europe dissemination session From Open Data to Innovation focused on Slovenia’s participation in the European Open Science Cloud, open data, research data management, open research infrastructure and HPC resources.
The session opened with an introduction by Mr. Peter Sterle from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport about Slovenia’s participation in the European Open Science Cloud and future policy developments in pushing forward the open science and FAIR principles in Slovenia.
Dr. Zoran Ren from the University of Maribor presented the pilot project introducing a new system of open access to public research equipment and an open access policy for research infrastructure at the University of Maribor following the European charter of access for research infrastructures.
Peter Kacin and Blaž Česnik from Arnes presented the recently upgraded Arnes’ supercomputer cluster, the improvements made, as well as the software and tools used in managing the cluster.
Dr. Matej Praprotnik from the National Institute of Chemistry and member of the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee presented the use of urgent supercomputing for tackling the covid-19 pandemic and the PRACE fast track call for project proposals requesting computing resources to contribute to the mitigation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Marko Petek presented the challenges in managing biological and biotechnological scientific project data at the National Institute of Biology following the FAIR principles and the pISA-tree data management solution developed at the institute for secure and interoperable local data storage for research projects.
Dr. Darinka Verdonik from the University of Maribor explained the need for open language resources and tools and the processes that have taken place in Slovenia in the framework of the CLARIN linguistic research infrastructure as well as the Slovenian CLARIN.SI consortium.
Dr. Ana Slavec from InnoRenew CoE presented the various definitions and principles of citizen science and its synergies with open science and described the emergence and operation of the interdisciplinary community Sledilnik, which provides the managing, analysis, and interpretation of the covid-19 pandemic-related data.
Ms. Jasna Šinigoj from the Geological Survey of Slovenia presented the eGeology Portal and future plans for its developments in aligning with the FAIR principles. The portal offers open access to a comprehensive set of quality geological spatial data via a single entry point on the Web.
MSc. Aleš Veršič from the Ministry of Public Administration presented the national open data portal OPSI, where users can obtain various types of data offered by public institutions, and highlighted the importance of open data and its reuse as well as its benefits for the wider community.
Dr. Muhamed Turkanović leading the University of Maribor Digital Innovation Hub explained the triggers for the emergence of Digital Innovation Hubs in Europe and described how DIHs will accelerate the digital transformation of Slovenia by using the most modern infrastructure and offering top digital technological innovations and services for industry.
Finally, MA. Dunja Legat from the University of Maribor Library, the Slovenian EOSC promoter and NI4OS-Europe representative, presented the objectives of the project in forming national open science cloud initiatives and the latest developments in establishing the Slovenian open science cloud initiative, the Slovenian Open Science Community, which will soon become a reality. You can read more about the Slovenian NOSCI here.
The presentations and recordings will be published in open access on the Arnes Video platform.