The development and alignment of policies relating to Open Science -data management planning, data handling, and data accessibility, as well as NI4OS-Europe tools supporting Science throughout the EOSC have been among the topics that were discussed during dedicated workshops of the 3rd Open Science Fair conference – OSFAIR2021.
OSFAIR2021 was held virtually from 20 to 23 September 2021, bringing together local and global Open Science communities to share their practices and explore new pathways of collaboration. Researchers, research institutions, funding agencies, policy makers, service and e-infrastructure providers, gathered in this virtual event, all engaging at various levels and learning from each other. NI4OS-Europe presence was strong, (co-)organizing two workshops and one demo session and participating to productive discussion in relation to FAIR principles, EOSC, legal aspects and Open Research Data Management (ORDM). Its members participated and presented the latest project developments, proposing recommendations, tools, and mechanisms with the objective to support EOSC and the Open Science community.

NI4OS-Europe co-organized together with the other four regional EOSC projects (INFRAEOSC 5b projects) the workshop entitled “Let’s discuss about FAIRifying OS policies” on September 22nd. The workshop introduced some practical recommendations relating to the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse of Open Science policies, followed by discussions with the aim to draft a set of key actions towards common Open Science policies. By the end of the workshop, the participants concluded in a top five, of key Open Science policy recommendations.

On September 21st, NI4OS-Europe coordinated the OSFAIR session “Speaking FAIR implementation: moving from recommendations to supporting practical implementation by service providers”, in collaboration with FAIRsFAIR project. The session’s aim was dual: 1) for service providers to gain better understanding of how they are expected to respond to FAIR demands according to the type of service that they operate and for research communities and 2) for researchers to learn about new services and how far these are in the process of FAIR implementation. This workshop is part of the overall NI4OS-Europe and FAIRsFAIR collaboration. NI4OS-Europe efforts focus to maximize compliance with FAIRness, and harmonize the approach to handling, using, and developing semantic artifacts through technical solutions.
On September 21st, NI4OS-Europe organised the demo session “EOSC RoP, Data Management and Certification tools demonstration” (and a follow-up session on the 22nd) presenting its technical solutions to support the practices of EOSC stakeholders working in Open and FAIR ecosystems. The Athena RC team showcased the License Clearance Tool (LCT) and the EOSC RoP Legal & Ethics Compliance Tool (RoLECT) and Branko Marovic, from the UoB team, presented the Repository Policy Generator (RePOL).

The OSFAIR2021 conference was a unique opportunity for NI4OS-Europe to demonstrate its solutions to the wider Open Science community outreaching stakeholders beyond the EOSC and European boarders. NI4OS-Europe, through its solutions, contributes to the overall mission of the global Open Science movement supporting the sustainable research.
OSFair2021 was organized by OpenAIRE, co-organized and supported by European projects and international initiatives in the area of Open Science: COAR, EIFL, Force11, LA Referencia, LIBER, OPERAS, SPARC, SPARC Europe.
In case you missed the sessions, we got you covered! Watch all NI4OS-Europe sessions and have a look at the project presentations on Zenodo.
Session Links
- Watch the session “Speaking FAIR implementation: moving from recommendations to supporting practical implementation”
- Watch the workshop “Let’s discuss about FAIRifying OS policies”
- Open Science FAIR 2021
- Let’s discuss about FAIRifying OS policies | Zenodo
- Speaking FAIR implementation: moving from recommendations to supporting practical implementation by service providers | Zenodo
- RoLECT: a self-assessment tool against EOSC RoP Legal & Ethics Compliance | Zenodo
- LCT: An easy and automatic approach in license clearance | Zenodo
- RePol: Interactive policy creation tool | Zenodo