NOSCI Information
- Name: Romanian Open Science Cloud Initiative (RO-NOSCI)
- Description: At the European level, EOSC provides the main support for building the Open Science ecosystem in a predictable, consensual, and integrated manner. Institutions and researchers have the possibility to access a shared pool of infrastructure services, data sets, and thematic services which makes it possible to compensate existing gaps and to identify opportunities for transnational and cross-domain scientific collaboration. RO-NOSCI was established to connect the national stakeholders for their participation into the EOSC Ecosystem and for the coordination of the activities at national level that enable interconnection with the EOSC at technical, policy and governance levels.
- The main objectives of the initiative are:
- To contribute to the identification and capitalization of technical modalities and means dedicated to the establishment and administration of a national OSC specific infrastructure of resources and services compatible with EOSC, for the benefit of the research and innovation community
- To create synergy at national level between organizations demonstrating interest and playing an active role in the EOSC area, to optimize and coordinate national activities dedicated to share and integrate national infrastructures and services in the EOSC
- To provide support to the academic and research community in defining and implementing “Open Science” and “Open Science Cloud” policies aligned with relevant European recommendations and policies, and capacity building.
- Website: https://uefiscdi.gov.ro/ro-nosci
- Date of establishment: 17/06/2021
- Set-up workflow: Hybrid
- Governance structure: The RO-NOSCI is a consortium coordinated by 3 organizations (ICIBucharest, IFIN-HH, UEFISCDI), each one being in charge with one objective. The RO-NOSCI governance structure includes: the General Assembly and the Executive Committee. The General Assembly is composed of one delegate per Member with voting rights and one delegate per Observer without voting rights. The Executive Committee is composed of representatives from 3 RO-NOSCI co-ordinating organizations and has the mandate to implement the General Assembly decisions and to coordinate current activities at the RO-NOSCI level. The governance structure is regulated by MoU.
- Members:
- RO-NOSCI currently includes 20 members and 1 observer.
- 11 universities from 7 large university centers: Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Constanta, Craiova, Brasov and Galati
- 7 research organizations, including 6 national R&D institutes (in Informatics, Nuclear Physics, Marine Geology and Geo-ecology, Earth Physics, Chemical-Pharmaceutical, Industrial Ecology) and the Institute for Space Science;
- One RDI funding organization–UEFISCDI
- Romanian Digitalization Authority
- One emergency clinical hospital.
An updated list of involved organisations may be found here as well as the application to join the RO-NOSCI. The application process is still open.
- Related documents: –
- NI4OS-Europe contact point: UEFISCDI and ICI Bucharest are co-initiators and coordinators of RO-NOSCI.
Open Science Profile
Currently there is no OA/OS policy, but there are plans for creating one. UEFISCDI through the Open Science Hub Romania (OSHRO) and in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) is developing the national strategic framework for Open Science. On November 2018 The Romanian government approved the National Action Plan 2018-2020 for Open Government Partnership (NAP 2018-2020). Between the main topics of the document there are “Open access to research results, open education, measuring the impact of re-use open data and publication of open data”. Before the NI4OS project start, MEC mandated the two partner organizations participating in the project – UEFISCDI, coordinated by MEC and ICI Bucharest, coordinated now by the General Secretariat of the Government (GSG) – to implement actions related with the national OSC setup, according with the overall action framework adopted at the SEE region level.
For more information on national Open Science policy please visit OpenAIRE portal.
EOSC Collaboration
- Mandated organisation: Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare in Informatica – ICI Bucuresti (ICI Bucharest)
- Observer: –
- Member: Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea – Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii (UEFISCDI) and the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB)
- Participation in EOSC pillars:
- OpenAIRE: Alina Irimia, Mihaela Cucu both from UEFISCDI,
- NGI: Mihnea Dulea from Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering,
- RDA: Marius Dorian Nicolaescu and Alina Irimia both from UEFISCDI,
- GEANT: Mihai Bărbulescu from National Authority for Scientific Research and Octavian Rusu, Valeriu Vraciu from RoEduNet
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