Within the framework of user engagement, NI4OS-Europe supported an open call that provided opportunities for scientists to access the advanced services on-boarded to EOSC (thematic, generic and repositories). The services provided had already been tested in use-cases run by assigned scientific teams and are now offered via the open call. The call enables researchers from Europe to obtain access to the advanced services, which have been on-boarded on the European Open Science Cloud with the support of NI4OS-Europe. Throughout the open call, all research teams participating in the call are expected to harmonise the management of their data according to the FAIR principles throughout the whole lifetime of their work, thus, engaging with the rules of Open Science.
The Open Call was announced on the 11th of April 2022 and closed on 25th of May 2022. In total, 21 scientific groups have submitted applications in the call. After a careful scientific as well as technical evaluation, 20 applications have been accepted for accessing the NI4OS-Europe services. Special attention has been given to those applications where access to generic services was required. The applications received originated from NI4OS-Europe participating countries as well as from Germany, Spain and Switzerland.
The NI4OS-Europe consortium allocated 6.2 million CPU-core hours, 402k GPU-card hours, 10k Xeon Phi-card hours, 364 Virtual Machines cores and 10TB per project at the archival service and 100 GB per project at the simple storage service. Out of the 20 projects supported within the call, 16 required access to HPC resources. In total, 3.2 million CPU-core hours, 120 k GPU-card hours and 50 TB of storage have been provided to these projects. Furthermore, 13 TBs for archival purposes and 19 VMs with 166 VM-cores were given to projects.
The allocation of the resources is expected to expire by the end of January 2023 and all the projects are expected to report their outcomes by the end of February 2023. Nearly all projects participating in the open call have been presented at the NI4OS-Europe regional event held at the end of October in Budapest.