In the last few months, we have been working on creating a new submenu of the ni4os.eu website. Information was thoroughly gathered by WP2 on the National Open Science Cloud Initiatives, provided by the partners about their countries’ Open Science ecosystems that are playing an important role in supporting the EOSC vision for inclusion and collaboration.
Now, visitors of ni4os.eu can understand NOSCIs, learn how to set one up and check out the already existing initiatives in 15 Southeast European countries. There are country profiles channeled into the newly added submenu of the “EOSC in the Region” menu. Visitors can access all of them by clicking on the cloud-shaped flags.
Describing a National OSC Initiative first we can see the basic information related to the NOSCI, then there is a thorough paragraph about the country’s current situation on Open Science. Visitors are provided with information on how the country collaborates to EOSC.
The new submenu can be found in the “EOSC in the Region” menu, entitled “15 National OSC Initiatives”.