On November 18, 2021 the NI4OS-Europe National end-users training event in the domain of Open Science for Moldova will take place.
The event is part of a series of the national training events in the domain of Open Science, organized under the NI4OS-Europe project, specifically for attendees from Moldova.
The main goal of the event is to give an opportunity to national stakeholders to gain knowledge and skills about different aspects that are relevant within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the EOSC services available through the NI4OS-Europe catalogue, Creative Commons licenses, protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the context of Open Science and the importance of repositories in sharing open research content. The target group includes national service providers, e-infrastructure experts, institutional repository management, academia and research communities, librarians, as well as representatives from industry and SMEs.
- View agenda of the event
- Register to participate: https://events.ni4os.eu/event/58
The event is organized by NI4OS-Europe partner RENAM – Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova, one of the NI4OS-Europe 22 partners.
The training will be held online, 13:00 – 16:00 (Chișinău time), being supported by NI4OS-Europe Training Platform.
After the event all participants will receive a certificate of attendance in electronic form.
The event will be recorded and will be made available to registered participants for future use.