A national level Position Paper on Open Science was launched in Hungary on 18th October, 2021. The launch was announced by Tibor Gulyás, Deputy Secretary of State of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM) and István Szabó, Vice President for Science and International Affairs of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office).

The position paper is the outcome of many consultation rounds of several Hungarian institutions. The cooperation was led by the NRDI Office. The NI4OS-Europe and EOSC member Governmental Agency for IT Development (KIFÜ) also signed the position paper. Ms Gyöngyi Karácsony, Head of University of Debrecen, University and National Library is also among the signatories to the paper as chairwoman of the Association of University Libraries’ Directors, Hungary.
The key Open Science pillars discussed in the position paper are:
- open access to research outputs,
- FAIR and CARE research data management,
- research integrity,
- next generation metrics in research assessment,
- new types of rewards and initiatives,
- international cooperation networks,
- Citizen Science,
- education and skills.
The ‘international cooperation network’ chapter of the paper highlights the importance of EOSC, and also encourages Hungarian scientific-, research-, development- and innovation organisations and institutions to join EOSC.
As Mr István Szabó said, the NRDI Office was planning motivational measures to encourage more people to join the open science approach. As an example, he mentioned that open science was mainstreamed in the calls for proposals.
More details on the announcement
Position Paper on Open Science (Hungary)