The 2nd Open Science Forum in Hungary took place on 24th September, 2021.
The online event was organized by two NI4OS-Europe member organizations, University of Debrecen (DE) and the Governmental Agency for IT Development, Hungary (KIFÜ).
About the event

One of the objectives was to give an overview of the various OS strategies in Europe, in particular, how Open Access and Research Data Management issues have been handled in the various countries. The forum began with two presentations. The first one from Ms Judit Fazekas-Paragh (DE), head of education and research support, focused on the open science strategies of the Netherlands, France, Finland, and Spain. Open access development, research evaluation processes, and research data management strategies of these four countries were systematically analysed, and good practices were highlighted for the audience.
The second presentation, held by Mr János Mohácsi (KIFÜ), EOSC promoter of Hungary, enriched the overview by introducing the open science strategies of Ireland, Belgium, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Italy. This presentation also gave a detailed description on the Hungarian open science developments, and provided an overview of the open science events organized in the past 12 month (mostly as part of NI4OS-Europe activities).
Effective group discussions
Altogether 32 attendees from 16 universities and research institutions have joined the forum. After the two presentations, the audience had the chance to present their view in small groups on open access and research data management issues. This was a fruitful discussion of 4-6 people in a group, and made it possible to learn about the different institutional approaches regarding open science, open access, and research data management policies.
Presentations are available in Hungarian on the event’s site:
- Fazekas-Paragh Judit (DE): Open Science Stratégiák Európa-szerte
- Mohácsi János (KIFÜ) – Kádárné Kelemen Ildikó (KIFÜ): Nyílt Tudományos Együttműködési Kezdeményezés