The Hungarian NI4OS-Europe End-users Training took place on September 29th, in Budapest, Hungary. The Corvinus University of Budapest hosted the entire event.

The training began with the presentations regarding the NI4OS-Europe project activities, the importance of EOSC, and the current situation of Open Science in Hungary. The first to speak was János Mohácsi from KIFÜ, who gave an introductory overview of Open Science, explained the EOSC vision then spoke thoroughly about the European Data Strategy and its contribution to EOSC.

After a short Q&A session, Anikó Kiss continued with a lightning talk about the achievements and future goals of the NI4OS-Europe project. With the help of the dissemination events in the country, the awareness raising activity became quite significant since the project has started. The presentation focused on the two main organization in Hungary that is actively involved in NI4OS-Europe, and it gave a thorough overview about the landscaping, trainings, and on-boarding achievements. A service has already on-boarded and an other one’s on-boarding is in progress.

Judit Fazekas-Paragh followed the presentations in line, her focus was on the news and current affairs of Open Science in the country. She went through the challenges of recent changes and gave some recommendations solving them. In Hungary, many organizations and institutions are actively involved in the rapid change of scientific communication, focusing more and more on the data-driven aspects of research. Judit gave an overview about these activities then explained the relevance of the European Open Science Cloud in a comprehensible way. The session continued with a quick training activity, the participants tried to unravel the aspects of Open Science using a plain illustration of the Open Science mushroom, that Eva Méndez introduced to the community in 2017. Many interesting ideas were presented regarding the figure and the changes of Open Science.

Erzsébet Veze came next, she spoke about research data management which became a significant focus point in Hungary due to national mandates. Data protection and copyright was also detailed in this session, a few tools were showed that could be useful for this purpose. She talked about the benefits of FAIR Data in science. The part of the data management plans generated many questions from the audience, participants were curious about tools that can make data management plans less time-consuming. In this session a few tools were presented for creating data management plans as well.

Ádám Száldobágyi took over, he gave a detailed presentation of how to use three useful tools developed by NI4OS-Europe. The License Clearance Tool was a main interest among the participants and the Repository Policy Generator became a popular topic among librarians present. The EOSC RoP Legal & Ethics Compliance was also introduced. After the introduction, participants had the opportunity to discover the services in groups.

The End-user Training in Hungary had a special guest speaker, Miklós Bán, who spoke about working with EOSC in an everyday matter. He works actively on the OpenBioMaps framework, which is a freely configurable database framework for arbitrary biological databases. Therefore, he is able to view the challenges and services offered by EOSC from an aspect of a researcher, a practical user.
The presented view from the aspect of infrastructures, the tasks and then the researcher approach gave a unique frame for this event. Around 30 people attended the training and they left with quite positive experiences.