HR-OOZ , the Croatian Open Science Cloud Initiative ceremonially marked the beginning of its activities on September 3rd, 2021 at the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia. Founding members of HR-OOZ received the relative signed Memorandum of Understanding from Prof. Radovan Fuchs, PhD, Minister of Science and Education.
The ceremony was followed by the constitutive session of the Council of the HR-OOZ Initiative, which marked the first step towards the development of a national open science plan and the establishment of the HR-OOZ. At the constitutive session, Presidency of the Council of the Initiative was elected. The Director of SRCE, Ivan Marić, was elected President of the Council, and the Executive Director of the Croatian Science Foundation, Irena Martinović Klarić, PhD and the Director of the Ruđer Bošković Institute, David Matthew Smith, PhD were elected Deputy Presidents of the Council. With this selection, Presidency of the Council represents three main categories of HR-OOZ Initiative members – research funding organizations, research performing organizations and service providers for research, which are crucial for the science system to function properly. Furthermore, during the session, the Council adopted its rules of procedure and the criteria for onboarding of new members. Additionally, the formation of two working groups was supported: Working Group for drafting proposal of the National plan and policies for open science and Working Group for defining the structure and principles of HR-OOZ.

HR-OOZ Initiative has managed to bring together key stakeholders in creating the required preconditions for the implementation, realization and promotion of Open Science in the Republic of Croatia. The Initiative is the result of the joint work of numerous stakeholders in the science and higher education system in Croatia. HR-OOZ was launched with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Science Foundation, gathering all public universities and Croatian representatives of ERIC’s (DARIAH-HR, HR-CLARIN, CERIC-ERIC, CROSSDA the public research data service and the national service provider for the CESSDA ERIC), OpenAIRE NOAD, NGI and national RDA node.
The vision of HR-OOZ is to build a modern, high-quality, internationally relevant and competitive science environment in Croatia, based on the principles of Open Science, harmonized and connected with the European Research Area (ERA) and relevant European initiatives. HR-OOZ will become a national organizational and technological environment that encourages and enables Open Science by providing the resources and services needed for collecting, processing, storing, sharing and reusing research data, following the FAIR principles. It will ensure coordinated development of e-infrastructure in Croatia and it will enable the inclusion of Croatian services, resources and research data in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
HR-OOZ Initiative founding members
- Croatian Science Foundation
- Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research
- Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
- Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
- Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia
- National and University Library in Zagreb
- Ruđer Bošković Institute
- University North
- University of Dubrovnik
- University of Rijeka
- University of Slavonski Brod
- University of Split
- University of Zadar
- University of Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Medicine, Computing Centre SRCE
