We are happy to announce that Digital skills for FAIR and Open Science is published!
The report is the fruit of the hard work of the EOSC Executive Board Skills and Training Working Group that was formed in 2020 to identify a framework for building competence and capabilities for EOSC. The WG focused on four priority areas:
Developing the next generation of FAIR and Open Science professionals
Presents a framework of all the EOSC actors (roles) in the EOSC ecosystem for whom skills and training is relevant
Collaborating to enhance digital skills for FAIR and open science in Europe
Reviews organisational approaches to implement training activities and programmes, through the concept of competence centres
Building a trusted and long-lasting knowledge hub of learning and training resources and related tools
Provides insights for an EOSC federated training catalogue as part of a sustainable training infrastructure that supports EOSC actors
Influencing national open science policy for skills by supporting strategic leaders
Analyses the framing of digital skills required in EOSC in the wider European agenda for skills, to provide recommendations for Member States and Associated Countries on how to support EOSC in national skills policies and strategies.

These four areas are the backbone of the newly published report. An EOSC network of skilled professionals is crucial to bring a culture change for sharing research findings, and to authorize individuals and institutions to develop and maintain EOSC competences, skills and capabilities.
This report concludes with policy and implementation recommendations for a range of stakeholders to facilitate advancement in this area.
To reach the whole document, please click here.