Virtual introduction of NI4OS-Europe efforts for Open Science in Hungary

On June 29th Judit Fazekas-Paragh held a virtual meetup on NI4OS-Europe activities that support Open Science in South-East Europe. The meetup was part of a series organized by HRDA (Hungarian node of Research Data Alliance) and HUNOR (Hungarian Open Repositories)which is coordinated by the OpenAIRE NOAD of Hungary, supported by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office. 

About the series

The virtual meetup series started in the beginning of 2020 with the goal set to reach out to Hungarian researchers and start out a wide discussion about research data management. Since more and more national research grant systems mandate their applicants to formally plan their research data management during the projects, the organizations mentioned above decided to establish a virtual meetup-series on Research Data to create a support system for Hungarian researchers. Focusing on Research Data Management practices and tools a monthly meetup is organized to provide fresh information on the topic for the Hungarian scientific community.

“How NI4OS-Europe supports Open Science in South-East Europe?”

The virtual event focused on the core activities performed by the NI4OS-Europe project which mainly support Open Science in the South-East European area. The presentation started with listing NI4OS-Europe’s main goals then it gave a deep insight of EOSC and the benefits of the NI4OS training platform. The presentation didn’t leave out the details about the on-boarding method, the aspects of resource description and EOSC Integration Level. Also, there were mentions about the 30 dissemination events in the 15 partner countries. 

After the presentation attendees were sorted to a few breakout groups to solve some quizzes strongly connected to research data management. Also, organizers prepared some poll questions on open science and open access publishing practices to get to know the actual routine of the attendees. The participants engaged in the tasks and discussed the topic in detail. Organizers believe the virtual event was another great success supporting Hungarian scientific community. 

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