Forty representatives from 22 e-Infrastructure and Open Science partners in 15 Member States & Associated Countries participated in the kick-off meeting of the H2020 NI4OS-Europe project in Athens, on 8-10 October. NI4OS – National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe, is a three-year project that will support the development and inclusion of the national Open Science Cloud initiatives, services and eInfrastructures in 15 South East European countries, to the European Open Science Cloud – EOSC.
During three intensive days of meetings, the NI4OS-Europe partners worked together to review the project strategic plan and the lines of action, define immediate priorities and goals, and conduct detailed planning. The partners also shared information on the current status of Open Science landscape in each of the participating countries, so as to share experiences and build synergies.
NI4OS-Europe is coordinated by GRNET and the consortium consists of 22 partners. The partnership will exploit and engage the existing human network in the region, covering a wide range of stakeholders, as well as the existing infrastructure, thematic, data and repository services in the targeted countries, so as to support the EOSC vision, architecture and governance. Thus, it aspires to enable researchers of the region to store, manage, analyze and share open scientific data, enhancing their work, boosting innovation in Science.