Key building block of the European Open Science Cloud
National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe – NI4OS Europe, aims to be a core contributor to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) service portfolio, commit to EOSC governance and ensure inclusiveness on the European level for enabling global Open Science.
Lines of action
- Support the development and inclusion of the national Open Science Cloud initiatives in 15 Member States and Associated Countries in the EOSC governance.
- Instill within the community the EOSC philosophy and FAIR principles for data Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability.
- Provide technical and policy support for on-boarding of service providers into EOSC, including generic services (compute, data storage, data management), thematic services, repositories and data sets.

Turning NI4OS-Europe goal into reality
NI4OS-Europe exploits and engages a strong human network covering a wide range of stakeholders, as well as the infrastructure and service providers in the region, to support the overall EOSC vision, architecture and governance.
NI4OS-Europe will federate the existing EOSC-relevant services in the 15 target countries and include them in the EOSC service offering. NI4OS-Europe will collaborate with the other EOSC-related initiatives to contribute to the common EOSC platform including a set of policies, rules and principles for managing services and research data across the EOSC ecosystem.

Enabling innovation and inclusiveness in Science
NI4OS-Europe will facilitate access to infrastructures, data, resources and services for users to benefit from know-how sharing and exploitation, thus creating opportunities for increasing innovation capacity of regional Science. In parallel, NI4OS-Europe collaboration with other EOSC related projects will leverage developments in the European Open Science landscape, contributing in a decisive manner to the EOSC vision of open and inclusive science and innovation.

Changing the Open Science landscape
NI4OS-Europe will trigger EOSC-relevant technical advancements in the area by supporting a full stack of open and sustainable services. It will provide equal access to infrastructures, data and services for all European researchers, ensuring inclusiveness.
Empowering the regional scientific and research community
NI4OS-Europe will enable collaborative and innovative research of highest excellence by connecting the regional scientific and research community between them and to the wider EOSC landscape.
Supporting the regional ICT & science sector, preventing brain drain
A wide range of ICT and science professionals in the region will be involved in the provisioning and use of EOSC-relevant services and data. NI4OS-Europe will contribute to the retention of these professionals in the area, providing them with equal opportunities.