Metadata & Semantics Group
This is a group of experts in metadata, ontologies and semantics. The initiative takes part on the side of NI4OS-Europe project formal obligations in order to enhance RDM and training activities of WP4 and WP6 and align FAIR practises with other EOSC-related projects.
The group focuses on enabling the FAIRness of the NI4OS-Europe onboarded services by running sessions and engaging in discussion with them to collect current needs and practises. It is expected to produce outputs that articulate service providers’ best practices for FAIR implementation in a use case scenario, as well as design pathways of integrations and/or alterations that are necessary for them to follow.
OSFair workshop: collaborative session on semantics interoperability run together with FAIRsFAIR
Community support discussions: FAIR implementation for NI4OS-Europe service providers
NI4OS-Europe mini survey for data service providers: The survey run for NI4OS-Europe service providers to collect their needs before running the first workshop. The survey was designed in a way to collect minimum information necessary for the group to draw the picture of the current status of different types of forthcoming EOSC resources in the SEE region: generic and thematic services, data repositories.
Speaking FAIR implementation for data providers – Menti session: the results from the menti session that run during the OSFAIR workshop, where challenges, tools and services were identified.
The experts group is coordinated by Andreas Athenodorou (CYI) and Elli Papadopoulou (ATHENA).
To find out more or get involved, please contact us.
Our team
Meet the experts of the Metadata & Semantics Group

Andreas Athenodorou
Andreas Athenodorou graduated from the Physics Department at the University of Cyprus in 2004 and pursued doctoral studies in Theoretical Particle Physics at the University of Oxford.
Andreas held postdoctoral positions at DESY Zeuthen, at Swansea University, University of Cyprus and The Cyprus Institute. In addition, he worked as a fixed term Lecturer and Assistant Professor at the University of Cyprus. From 2019 to 2021 Andreas worked as a Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellow at the University of Pisa.
Andreas is now an associate research scientist at The Cyprus Institute. He is a work package leader in the NI4OS-Europe project coordinating the actions on “User Engagement training and demonstrations”. Prior to that, he worked as a work package leader in the VI-SEEM project coordinating the actions on “Domain-specific services and support”.
His research interests include Theoretical Particle Physics, Computational Physics, Machine Learning and Open Science.

Elli Papadopoulou
Elli Papadopoulou is a digital librarian and junior researcher working on policy adoption and implementation of Open Science, Research Data Management and Artificial Intelligence. She is the Greek OpenAIRE NOAD coordinator and the Product Manager of ARGOS machine actionable and FAIR Data Management Planning tool available from the OpenAIRE Catalogue. Elli co-chairs the Active Data Management Plans Interest Group of RDA and has active involvement in the EOSC-A FAIR Matrics and Data Quality Task Force.

Valentina Vassallo
Valentina Vassallo has a background in archaeology (B.A. and M.A. in Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Archaeology) and a specialization in conservation and management of Cultural Heritage with a major in digital methodologies and technologies (M.A. in Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage – Archaeology and Art History). She is currently a Dual Ph.D. candidate in Science and Technology in Cultural Heritage at the Cyprus Institute (Cyprus) and Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at Lund University (Sweden). In 2009, she joined the Science and Technology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research Center of the Cyprus Institute as a Research Assistant in Digital Heritage. Her research interests focus on developing solutions for multidisciplinary data integration and definition of a knowledge communication framework for data management and communication process of 2D and 3D digital cultural heritage assets through new ways of reasoning with information technology, metadata, and ontologies.

Zoe Cournia
Dr. Cournia is a Researcher – Associate Professor level at the Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens, where she works on anticancer drug and materials design using High Performance Computing. She graduated from the Chemistry Department, University of Athens in 2001 and received her PhD at the University of Heidelberg in Germany in 2006. She then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Chemistry Department, Yale University, USA, on computer-aided drug design and in 2009 she became a Lecturer at Yale College. She has been awarded with the American Association for Cancer Research Angiogenesis Fellowship (2008), the “Woman of Innovation 2009” Award from the Connecticut Technology Council, USA, the Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Union (2010), the “Outstanding Junior Faculty Award” from the American Chemical Society (2014) and the first “Ada Lovelace Award” from the “Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe” (2016). She is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Chemical information and Modeling, American Chemical Society, and a member of the Infrastructure Advisory Group (INFRAG) of the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking.

Agiatis Benardou
Agiatis Benardou holds a PhD in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology from King’s College London. She is a Senior Researcher at the Digital Curation Unit, ATHENA R.C since 2009 and Postodoctoral Fellow at the Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). Agiatis is currently appointed by the General Assembly as Director for DARIAH, the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities.

Vicky Liakopoulou
Vicky Liakopoulou is currently working as a Research Software Engineer in the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project, which is a digital archive of Samuel Beckett’s manuscripts, organized in research modules. Her background is on digital humanities.

Georgios Artopoulos
Assist. Professor Georgios Artopoulos works on immersive and virtual environments, urban modeling and digital simulation for the study of built heritage and the creative exploration of historical narratives. The social aspects of historic space and the cross-disciplinary nature of the pressing challenges facing our cities (e.g., climate, gentrification, decay, etc.) are explored by his team at the Virtual Environments Lab, at the CyI, through the externally funded projects he is contributing to or coordinating (under H2020, ENI-CBC-MED, and Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation frameworks) and his role as a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of JPI Urban Europe, where he works on matters of sustainable and liveable cities and urban areas. His work was presented in the International Exhibition Computational Turn in Architecture, MAV, Marseille; Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017; Hong Kong and Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism; 63rd Venice Film Festival, La Biennale di Venezia; Royal Institute of British Architects, London; London Design Festival; Festival of Architecture 2018, Israel.

Branko Marović
Branko Marović received BS, MS and PhD degrees in computer engineering and computer science from the University of Belgrade in 1993, 1998 and 2001, where he is currently the deputy director of the University of Belgrade Computer Centre. He also worked at the UCLA Radiology Science Department. His areas of work and interests include health informatics,
IT and research infrastructures, seamless use and visualization of data, software and IT services lifecycle, quality and governance, system architectures, and privacy protection.
Branko participated in several FP and Horizon projects, often as activity or work package leader, and was a project manager of the EU funded IPA project EU-IHIS that implemented hospital information systems in 19 hospitals throughout Serbia and developed a cross-institutional EHR platform. He also taught postgraduate courses at the University of Belgrade School of Electrical Engineering. In NI4OS-Europe, Branko leads the work package on ORDM standards, processes, tools and certification.
In GÉANT, he works on Software Maturity Model, software review processes and in Trust and Identity Incubator.

Adam Szaldobagyi
Adam Szaldobagyi is a data steward at the University of Debrecen University and National Library. His educational background includes a BSc degree from Physicist specialized in Applied Physics, certified by the University of Debrecen. His research interests include topics in high-power lesers and amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors. His current fields of interest include open science, research data management, research support. One of the most important areas of this is to familiarize Hungarian researchers with the various research data management methods and possibilities, taking into account international and national FAIR expectations.
He has held research data management courses, lectures, workshops and meetups. At these events, the audience can learn about the basic data management procedures (storage, backup, file naming, etc.) We discuss how they can protect their work and what intellectual property rights they have. As part of his task, with the help of researchers in Debrecen, we have developed a data repository that they can easily use in their work and also meet their archiving and collaboration expectations. As the data repository manager, He created the documentation that ensures its operation. So the policies: terms of use and instructions for use and privacy policy. As a data steward, he introduces users to using the system and he help their work to make everything go as accurately as possible.
He is also involved in several national and international projects, such as HUNOR (Hungarian Open Repositories), NI4OS-Europe, OpenAIRE AMKE and the RDA Professionalizing Data Stewardship IG.