János Mohácsi
Chief International R&D Officer at Governmental Agency for IT Development (KIFÜ)
János Mohácsi is Chief International R&D Officer at Governmental Agency for IT Development (KIFÜ). He is responsible for the coordination of domestic and European e-infrastructure developments within KIFÜ and Trust and Identity service development at KIFÜ. He has been the leader or participant in more than 20 EU and domestic projects since 1996 related to research and e-infrastructures, e-infrastructures, information and cloud systems, computer network developments and applications, and formal descriptions of network protocols and solutions. The most important projects are Sulinet +, GEANT, SEEREN, VI-SEEM and HBONE+, in the framework of which the European standard research network e-infrastructure has been built in Hungary. In these projects, he gained extensive knowledge in the field of development of research e-infrastructures in Hungary and Europe. He is a member of the Planning Committee of International Research Networks (GPPC), e-IRG, the Hungarian representative of Governance Board of the European Open Scientific Cooperation (EOSC) and the Vice-Chair of the Hungarian IPv6 Forum.