Nelly Țurcan
University Professor, Senior Researcher at Moldova State University, Information Society Development Institute
Nelly Țurcan is professor at the Moldova State University, Department of Communication and Theory of Information, teaching in the Master program „Management of Info-documentary institutions”. She is Senior Research at the Information Society Development Institute. She completed studies in library science and received PhD in 1987 at the Moscow Institute of Culture. In 2014 she received Doctor Habilitatus degree in Sociology from the Moldova State University.
Working in collaborations with Moldovan university and research libraries, library consortia (Electronic Resources for Moldova, REM), research institutions, Nelly Țurcan advocates for open access to research results, supports the development and implementation of open science policies and infrastructures, provides support and training.
Her research interests include scientific communication, open access, open science, bibliometrics, Library and Information Science education.