In the period September 29 – October 02, 2022, a festival “Days of Science and Innovations” was held across eleven towns in Montenegro.
The festival was organized by the Ministry of Science and Technological development, and partners on the project were, among others: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism, European Commission, Delegation of European Union in Montenegro, University of Montenegro and two other private universities, American Chamber in Montenegro, etc.
Media partners were public service broadcaster – Radio and Television of Montenegro, as well as three more televisions with the national broadcast frequencies.
In spite of its importance and widely supported organizational structure, this event couldn’t be disseminated on governmental sites, due to hacker attacks on governmental and many other public service sites, which started at the end of August 2022.
In accordance with the announced activity plan in EOSC-Future project, in the frame of the festival “Days of Science and Innovations”, team from the University of Montenegro (UoM) has organized two hours session on 2nd October 2022, dedicated to Open Science and EOSC.

The audience (24 attendees) had an opportunity to learn about the concept of Open Science, strategies and recommendations adopted in EU and in Montenegro, the significant achievements in this field, but primarily about the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) as the most important e-infrastructure to support open science in Europe. Separate presentations were committed to H2020 projects “National Initiative for Open Science in Europe – NI4OS-Europe” and “EOSC-Future”, where UoM team is participating in their implementation. Main project goals, activities and achieved results were presented, with the focus on benefits that researchers in Montenegro may have from these two projects. In that manner, two open services developed by UoM team in the frame of NI4OS-Europe project were presented – OMApp service for georeferencing images and mosaics creation, as well as an IoT platform, an open service for acquisition, visualization and data processing from IoT devices.
The Minister of Science and Technological development of Montenegro, Prof. Biljana Šćepanović, PhD, with her team, has also attended our session dedicated to Open Science and EOSC. She stressed the importance of following Open Science principles for achieving the full potential of science in Montenegro and across all EU countries, and she committed to include support to Open Science in the strategical national document – Strategy of Scientific Research Activity (2023-2027), to be adopted in the next year.