The second national training in North Macedonia was held on October 15th aiming to strengthen the national capacities in the area of open science with a special focus on the topics related to EOSC and FAIR principles.
With over 100 registered participants, the presenters on the webinar had the opportunity to introduce the interested participants to the current development efforts concerning EOSC and the open calls and activities that they can actively participate in. In collaboration with EOSC Future, the training participants were also brought up to date with the changes in the EOSC portal and the plans for the future EOSC related open calls. In the presentations that followed, a more practical hands-on approach was taken so that the participants could learn how to make their data FAIR and then how to use open data storage tools to share their datasets and link them to the rest of their research output. Finally, the NI4OS-Europe service catalogue was introduced and the access to EOSC services was discussed. In the discussion at the end it was concluded that the open science principles are very important for the research community in the country and that the NOSCI efforts should continue and grow so that they can provide their input to the national policy makers on relevant open science and EOSC related issues.