NI4OS-Europe was present in the event “Open Science Days in Greece” on October 21-22 with two presentations. The project team actively participated both days, introducing its technical solutions to address challenges in Open Data and Open Science, presenting a national use case from the Southeast Europe area, and taking part in lively discussions.
Dr. Branko Marović, University of Belgrade Computer Centre, presented the three NI4OS-Europe tools.

The Greek audience had the opportunity to learn about:
- The License Clearance Tool (LCT), an open-source tool that facilitates researchers and research organisations over Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) decisions when it comes publish in FAIR or open modes.
- The EOSC Rules of Participation Legal and Ethics Compliance Tool (RoLECT), an integrated tool that assists prospective resource providers in verifying adherence to the RoP during the onboarding process of their resources to the EOSC focusing on legal and ethics requirements.
- The Repository Policy Generator (RePol), an open-source tool that supports repository and service managers in drafting repository policies.

The project partner Mrs. Biljana Kosanović, University of Belgrade, gave a thorough overview of the Open Science scenery in Serbia. Some impressive statistical numbers were presented, describing the efforts of the local Open Science community towards publishing and preservation of scientific information. These numbers manifest a strong bottom-up community that gives emphasis to the motivation of researchers. Nevertheless, it is important to stress out that governmental support is not trivial. Serbia has adopted a National Open Science policy since July 2018 and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development supports several efforts such as the Open Science Platform. Of course, an important part in the presentation had the Team for Open Science in Serbia (TONuS) and the Open Science Community Serbia whose efforts are interconnected with the establishment of the Serbian NOSCI.