NI4OS-Europe dissemination event in Croatia was held as part of the annual conference SRCE e-Infrastructure Days 2021 (SRCE DEI 2021). The event was dedicated to National Open Science Cloud Initiatives (NOSCI) that will be established during the NI4OS-Europe project.

The session was held by the name “Initiatives for Open Science” and gathered 148 participants. In the session participated stakeholders of open science in the Republic of Croatia and presented the Initiative for the establishment of a National Open Science Cloud (NOSC) in Croatia. It was emphasized that to establish the NOSC, there should be a national research infrastructure plan that will provide financial resources and enable its long-term sustainability. It is necessary to use the existing elements to build the first version of NOSC with clear links to the European and international network. Ivan Marić, director of SRCE, announced the launch of the Croatian NOSC Initiative that will be named Croatian Open Science Cloud (HR-OOZ).
The main goals of the HR-OOZ initiative were presented: setting up and defining organizational and governance structures of HR- OOZ, drafting the proposal of National Action Plan for Open Science, coordination and harmonization of all activities related to open science in Croatia, providing consultations and support to the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia in defining national position about activities of the European Union related to open science and EOSC in particular, coordination and harmonization of activities related to participation of Croatia in European and international initiatives for open science, promotion and application of open science and FAIR principles in Croatian academic and science community related to research data management, encourage Croatian academic and research community to participate in European and international initiatives related to open science, especially in EOSC and RDA, support of Croatian institutions in applying for Horizon Europe calls and other EU funding programme calls related to related to open science.
In addition, Hrvoje Meštrić, Director of the Directorate for Science and Technology at the Ministry of Science and Education, and Irena Martinović Klarić, Executive Director of the Croatian Science Foundation, provided their views on the establishment of NOSC and the state of open science in Croatia. Ivan Marić from SRCE provided an overview of European perspectives. Croatian representatives of European Research Infrastructure Consortium who participated in the discussion presented their consortium, activities and initiatives they have or plant to implement as national coordinators in Croatia. Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar from the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore presented the DARIAH-HR consortium that promotes and increases awareness of digital arts and humanities, projects, tools and best practices, and advocates open access to information and free sharing of results and innovations.
Marko Tadić from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb presented the consortium HR-CLARIN, which aims to create a research infrastructure that allows researchers to use language resources and technologies primarily for the humanities and social sciences, and then other sciences. Marijana Glavica from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb presented the work of the Croatian Social Science Data Archive CROSSDA, the public research data service and the national service provider for the CESSDA ERIC consortium. Jadranka Stojanovski from the Ruđer Bošković Institute presented the activities of OpenAIRE NOAD, Draženko Celjak from SRCE presented the national RDA node activities and, together with Emir Imamagić, he presented services provided by SRCE for open science.
Presentations and recording of the session is available on SRCE DEI 2021 conference website.