The European Open Science Cloud will be the open and trusted virtual environment that will enable the estimated 2 million European researchers to store, share and reuse research data across borders and disciplines. In this effort, the National Open Science Cloud Initiatives constitute important pillars. Building upon a solid governance and organizational framework on the national level is essential for ensuring the sustainability of this flagship initiative for Europe. The development and deployment of models for the NOSCIs, covering aspects related to research, organization and sustainability, can contribute to the strategic and organizational coherence and complementarity at EU, national and institutional levels and, thus, to the success and sustainability of EOSC.
NI4OS-Europe report “National OSC initiatives models” provides a Blueprint for candidate OSC models that can be further customized by countries. It examines existing Open Science policies and models in Europe, describes the elements an Open Science Cloud model should include, and proposes workflows for setting up National Open Science Cloud Initiatives, whose aim is to become important contributors to the EOSC governance. The provided model for forming a formal NOSCI can be worked as “best-case scenario” and adapted to each country as circumstances allow. The report is part of the NI4OS-Europe activities for setting up and supporting Open Science Cloud initiatives at the national level of the countries participating in the project.
NI4OS-Europe D2.2 “National OSC Initiative models”