Vladimir Otašević and Biljana Kosanović, members of the University of Belgrade team, presented the data visualizations made within the NI4OS-Europe Open Science landscaping activity at the third conference Application of Free Software and Open Hardware (Primena slobodnog softvera i otvorenog hardvera – PSSOH), organized in a hybrid format at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia. The conference focused on free software, open hardware, Open Science and gender diversity in computer science.
The conference paper “Primena softvera otvorenog koda kod vizualizacije podataka” (Application of Open-Source Software in Data Visualization), which is already available in the PSSOH Zenodo community and will be published in the conference proceedings, focuses on the functionalities of D3.js and chart.js, the JavaScript-based open-source tools used to generate NI4OS-Europe data visualizations, as well as on aesthetic considerations related to data visualization. The online conference presentation highlights NI4OS-Europe data visualizations as a use case of open-source software. The authors have successfully demonstrated that these tools are by no means inferior to their proprietary counterparts and that they offer many opportunities to those who wish to be consistent in the implementation of Open Science principles.