Provided by NI4OS-Europe project with support from the KODE project and GEANT Partner relations team

More than 25 participants joined the discussion
On 28.05.2020, NI4OS-Europe project, in collaboration with the KODE project and GEANT partner relations team, organized an info session for the higher education community of Kosovo*. The goal of the session was to give broad introduction of the EOSC related activities in Europe, with focus on the effort that NI4OS-Europe is doing in the region. The speakers of the event were Natalia Manola (ATHENA RC, OpenAIRE), Vladimir Trajkovikj (UKIM) and Anastas Mishev (UKIM). The agenda included introduction to EOSC, NI4OS-Europe project presentation, special focus on the establishment of the National Open Science Initiatives, as well as the importance of open and FAIR data for the scientific communities. More than 25 participants engaged in the fruitful discussion on the collaboration modalities on the beforementioned topics between the communities and countries in the region, moderated by the NI4OS-Project director, Eleni Toli. The event was realized on the NI4OS-Europe webinar platform.
* All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation’s Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.