NI4OS-Europe has released its Stakeholder Map, showing the existing Open Science stakeholders in 15 partner countries: https://ni4os.eu/os-stakeholders-map/. The map is the result of a landscaping activity conducted to offer insights on the local capacities and needs, to provide input for the whole range of NI4OS-Europe activities and to contribute, together with the other INFRAEOSC-5b projects, to the final mapping in the overall EOSC Landscape Activity. The survey run under WP2 “EOSC national initiatives and policy support” and the collected data have been visualized using open-source technology.
The landscaping survey was conducted in autumn 2019. The map data have been collected via direct communication with the organizations that the project partners provided in structured lists, classified into the following categories:
Funders and policymakers – FUND: the actors who fund research and, most commonly, shape research-related policies, including:
- Public sector research funders: government’s funding mechanisms supporting national research and innovation strategies and plans;
- Private sector research funders, i.e. individuals or organizations providing financial support for the creation and continuation of research programmes and initiatives;
Τhe ones who perform research – CREATE:
- Research performing organizations:
– universities and HEIs: public and private sector organizations providing knowledge and education in studies covering all disciplines, from more theoretical to applied and interdisciplinary sciences;
– research institutes / centres: public and private sector organizations producing new knowledge and technologies aimed at improving professionals’ and citizens’ life by providing flexible and innovative solutions to everyday need; - Researchers:
– individuals (in all stages of their career);
– research communities: groups of researchers undertaking research activities in domain-specific disciplines;
– citizen scientists: anyone with direct or indirect participation in citizen science projects/initiatives;
– data and OS enthusiasts: everyone interested in data and open science trends and developments;
Τhe ones who perform research – SUPPORT:
- Repositories;
- Research infrastructures, i.e. vertical infrastructures, are facilities, resources and services dedicated to domain-specific studies for use by relevant research communities;
- e-Infrastructures, i.e. horizontal infrastructures, are domain-agnostic facilities, resources and services adopted and utilized by a wider range of researchers;
- Service providers;
- Libraries, esp. academic and research libraries;
Τhe ones who “consume” research – CONSUME:
- SMEs, i.e. small and medium-sized start-ups and other companies which could benefit from the use of open technologies and open data in creating new products and new technologies;
- Citizens: the public; people who are legally part of countries’ population;
OS facilitators, including OS initiatives – FACILITATE: including international nodes, coordinators and other structures; every beneficiary representing European or national initiatives for OS with an aim to inspire and support OS policies and practices nationally and their alignment with EU.
The collected information, mostly organization names and cities, was enriched with the support from all partners by adding the physical addresses and URLs of their websites and visualized using Leaflet, an open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps, Open Street Maps and the Mapbox API. The map supports filtering per country and stakeholder group. The zoom functionality enables users to find the precise locations of stakeholders. Each stakeholder is marked with a pin and a tooltip showing the organization’s name and a link to its website.
The collected dataset, which includes information about 979 organizations was further enriched with geographic coordinates and deposited in Zenodo under a free license: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3722929.