The IT Service Management self-paced online course is the newest addition to the online courses available on the NI4OS-Europe training platform.
Based on the documentation provided by ITEMO, the course covers the topics of FitSM Foundation Level and it is open for use to all platform users including guest users. Use self-enrolment to be able to track your course completion and dare to earn the NI4OS-Europe FitSM Foundation master badge by successfully passing the assessment test.
With this addition the NI4OS-Europe training platform is now hosting 13 online self-paced courses on different EOSC related topics including:
Use Open Data in Teaching
Open Science MOOC courses on Eliademy
What is Open Science
Best Practices in Open Research
Managing and Sharing Research Data
Open Source Software and Workflows
Data Protection and Ethics
Open Access Publishing
Sharing preprints
Open Peer Review
Open Science and Innovation
Open Licensing
Assessing the FAIRness of Data