The NI4OS-Europe project arrived at an important milestone on 19-20 February 2020, when the first train the trainer webinar was held. The webinar series introduced training techniques and the concept of FAIR data principles. The three sessions targeted primarily NI4OS-Europe partners and EOSC ambassadors. The main goals of the webinars are to be given a deeper understanding of FAIR principles and to provide guidelines on the implementation of training practices.

3P: Principles, procedures, platforms
The webinar series started on the 19th of February with a presentation by Anastas Mishev from UKIM, who presented the NI4OS-Europe project in a few sentences. Then he introduced the seven learning principles and gave the audience some useful tips on how trainers can build up their training sessions. He presented the procedures that are important to keep in mind when organizing a training event during the project. Anastas introduced the project’s event management system and the training platform. The training platform will be the place to upload all the materials related to the training events.

FAIR data principles
Later that day, the second session was held by two training experts from DANS. René van Horik and Cees Hof covered a number of important topics in the open science initiative. René introduced the FAIR data principles and some related materials. Cess talked about some of the services which support FAIR data and gave the audience some proper sources where the trainers found services, tools and training materials. Following, René presented the main object of the research data management and a concept of data management plan. At the end of the presentation, Cess spoke about NARCISS “the Dutch experience” and the importance of the national catalogues.

Train the Trainers method
The webinar series last session was held by four representatives from the University of Debrecen. Firstly, Edith Görög gave a presentation about the main elements of how to build up a training. Highlighted the importance of the role of the trainer and the selection of the appropriate training methods. Then Judit Fazekas-Paragh talked about her own experiences as a trainer. Judit presented a few examples of training exercises that participants can use successfully within their trainings. Ádám Száldobágyi had a recommendation to the audience how and where to find the right FAIR tools. Then he introduced the operation of the FAIR tools which he considered most important. Finally, Peter Bay who is a full professor at the Department of Medical Chemistry talked about how and why he implemented FAIR in practice in the biochemical field.
Stay tuned for the upcoming training events the next webinar series will be on EOSC promotion.
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