NOSCI Information
- Name: –
- Description: The activities on establishing the NOSCI have been launched in order to establish a more formal way of organizing and coordinating the open science activities. Through engaging with EOSC, the national initiative aims to offer access to the resources, tools, services and know-how, not available in the country, to researchers and related institutions. This will enable participation in new projects, creating new technologies and services, opening up the possibility for creating new jobs and markets, which would attract researchers, engineers, and innovators both to academia and industry as well as ease the current brain-drain negatively affecting the region.
- Objectives:
The objectives of the national initiative will be:- officially participate in the EOSC activities in order to maximize the potential benefits for the country,
- coordinate and organize efforts of its members regarding the open science and EOSC,
- promote and raise awareness on open science and EOSC,
- provide open science infrastructures and services for the benefit of the research and education community to carry out research,
- interconnect with leading international open science structures and researchers.
- Website: https://nauka.link
- Date of establishment: The official launch of the initiative is estimated to take place by the Q1 of 2022.
- Set-up workflow: Hybrid
- Governance structure: A consortium was established through a Joint Research Unit (JRU) membering 8 Universities and 3 Ministries. The JRU Steering Committee will be the management body of the JRU and it will consist of one appointed representative from each JRU Member.
- Members:
The consortium will include the 11 following parties:- University of Banja Luka,
- University of Sarajevo,
- University of East Sarajevo,
- University of Tuzla,
- University of Zenica,
- University of Bihać,
- University of Mostar
- Džemal Bijedić University of Mostar,
- Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of Republic of Srpska,
- Federal Ministry of Education and Science
- Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The list of members is expected to expand.
- Related documents: –
- NI4OS-Europe contact point: University of Banja Luka
Open Science Profile
Currently there is no OA/OS policy and there are not any institutional OA/OS policies widely used. There are no plans/roadmap for establishing a policy yet. Bosnia-Herzegovina is joining the open government partnership with a 2019-2021 plan to cover several challenges. For example, achieving a more efficient public resource management, improving public services through the application of open data and increasing transparency of institutions are among others.
An official document was drafted to set the points of action “Action plan of the council of ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the implementation of the initiative “Open Government Partnership” for the period 2019 – 2020”. Point n°4 of the document addresses the problem of Open Data in the country and sets a plan in order to increase availability, openness and use of official statistical data.
There is lately an attempt to create momentum for discussions about a national OSC initiative that involves the members of the academic community, policy makers, namely the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministries of Science and Education of Entities. In addition, in the Republic of Srpska, the “Law on scientific research and technological development” recognizes Open Science as one of the key principles of scientific research.
Bosnia and Herzegovina representatives are members of Working Group on Open Science and Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans and participate in meeting of the Commission expert group on National Points of Reference on Access to and Preservation of Scientific Information. In addition, representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina participated at the Brussels Meeting in January 2020 where a draft version of the Protocol on Open Access to Research Infrastructure in the Western Balkans was presented. Recognizing the importance of Research Infrastructures, including e-infrastructures and their crucial role towards open, inter-connected, data driven and computer intensive research, as well as education and training, Regional Cooperation Council has identified B&H stakeholders that would be included in the process of adoption of the OA to RIs Protocol.
EOSC Collaboration
- Mandated organisation: –
- Observer: University of Banja Luka (UNIBL)
- Member: –
- Participation in EOSC pillars:
- OpenAIRE: 2 institutions are joining OpenAIRE, University of Banja Luka with Dragana Radulović (NOAD) and small NGO, The Centre for Development Evaluation and Social Science Research (CREDI).
- NGI: –
- RDA: –
- GEANT: –
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